Detecting Risk of Radicalisation: cross-sectional survey of GP confidence and competence

Key lines

  • The research published today strengthens our understanding of GP’s confidence in and knowledge of Prevent.
  • It highlights positive messages such as: most GPs recognise Prevent as part of their safeguarding duties and those who had completed Prevent training were more confident with the referral process.
  • The results will contribute to the design of bespoke online Prevent training for GPs being developed by the Royal College of General Practitioners.



This survey, funded by the Home Office, is the first of its kind to explore the understanding and confidence of GPs in reporting potential early warning signs of radicalisation, across the nation. The online survey was sent to all research active GP practices around the country in August 2018. Over 1,200 responses were received.

Key Findings of Report

  • 73% of respondents see Prevent as part of their wider safeguarding responsibilities (versus 6% who do not);
  • Those that had completed Prevent training were more likely to know how to make a referral, know what happens when they made a referral, believe that GPs have a role in safeguarding and see Prevent as part of their role in safeguarding;
  • Those that had completed Prevent training also reported a higher level of knowledge and more confidence in recognising the signs of radicalisation, however, were significantly more likely to express further training needs.

The full report can be downloaded here